The goal of the Dale Swift Fund is to help Iowa Cancer patients with the little things (and occasionally big things) during their cancer journey. We specifically strive to identify those patients whose means are not great, or whose support group is limited, as these patients are both vulnerable and at particularly high risk for unnecessary (and preventable) suffering. Dale Swift Fund assistance comes to patients in the form of cash gifts, gift cards, gas cards, travel assistance, and supplies for help with treatment and tumor related symptoms.

As opposed to many large corporate philanthropies with expenses, mailings and salaries that dilute donations, 100% of monies contributed are used for patient needs. There are no administrative or overhead costs whatsoever. We receive ongoing donations from several sources … family, friends, patients as well as anonymous gifts!

The Fund receives suggestions from nurses and radiation staff who participate in the daily care of these individuals. All gifts are specifically identified as being donated from the Dale Swift Fund – not from any specific provider.

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